Loan Calculator

No. of units consumed in kwh
Monthly Bill for 30 days
Quantum of Loan (100% or 75%)
Interest rate (Fixed or Floating)
Repayment (In months)

Average Cost
Required Loan Amount
Monthly Payment
Installement - Monthly bill
The figures referred to in this Solar Vantage grid and the calculator is for illustrative purposes only and accuracy is not guaranteed. The default figures may not be applicable to your individual situation and the National Development Bank PLC (NDB) recommends that you seek your own independent legal, financial and tax advice prior to relying on the results and making any decisions in respect of same. You are notified that any action taken by you in reliance on the contents of this information shall be at your sole discretion.

If interested, please submit the below with your details.

Install a solar energy system in your
home and reduce energy bills up to 100%.

Net energy metering is your gateway to receive the maximum return on your solar energy investment. This system allows you to zero out your electricity bills by transferring the additional power generated through your home solar panel to the national grid. The meter will accurately calculate the units of power transferred to the national grid against the units utilized by your household and the usage so that you will be able to save up a considerable portion of your actual usage bill.